Mission & Authority
The mission of the White River RSWMD is to assist local government in providing solid waste management planning and programs - including waste reduction, reuse and recycling, composting, and sound disposal practices - and to provide solid waste education and technical assistance to local government to help them provide environmentally responsible solid waste services to the people of this region.
Authority and Responsibilities
The White River Regional Solid Waste Management District was created in May 1989 under the authority of Arkansas Act 870. Its authority and areas of responsibility were further defined by Act 752 of 1991. Those responsibilities include:
- Solid Waste Management – Assessment, planning and development of recommendations to local government for responsible integrated solid waste management. What is integrated solid waste management?
- Certificate of Need (CON) Review and Approval for Permit Applications – Planned or existing solid waste disposal facilities must request a CON from the White River RSWMD before they can construct, expand or operate a public disposal facility in the District. Contact Us for More Information.
- Commercial Waste Hauler Licensing – Commercial haulers of Class 1 (household) or Class 4 (bulky solid items; construction waste) waste who collect or transport waste across District boundaries are required by Arkansas Law (Act 752 of 1991) to obtain a license from the White River RSWMD. Download Commercial Waste Hauler License Application Form
- District Solid Waste Management and Recycling Grant Program - White River RSWMD cities and counties may apply to the District for grants funded through the Arkansas Solid Waste Management and Recycling Fund. Grants must be approved by the District Board of Directors.
- District Waste Tire Program – White River RSWMD operates a permitted waste tire recycling program and tire monofill operation, located near Bald Knob, Arkansas. It also operates a network of waste tire drop-off locations through-out its 10 county service area. Tire Program Information and Collection Sites
- White River Regional Solid Waste Management District Policies and Procedures